Hist-1102 World History 1500-1900 I is for the First Year history specialization students. This course is aimed to understand how developed world history from A.D 1500 to 1900, to get knowledge about world events in those periods and to expose economic, politics and administrative changes of the world countries. After studying this course, the students will get some important events in history of mankind and a sound interpretation for the past events.
- Teacher: Tr Eng 001
- Teacher: Tr Hist 001
- Teacher: Tr Eng 002
- Teacher: IR/PS teacher 010
- Teacher: Tr Eng 003
- Teacher: IR PS Teacher 06
- Teacher: IR PS Teacher 07
Hist-1004 World History 1500-1900 is for the first year Geography, Philosophy, English, IR PS and Psychology specialization students. The aims and objectives of this course are to know about past historical events of the world countries from A.D1500 to 1900, to understand political, social, cultural and economic features of world countries especially in Europe and to get analysis and critical thinking from the history of the world countries.
- Teacher: IR/PS teacher 010
- Teacher: IR PS Teacher 06
- Teacher: IR PS Teacher 07
- Teacher: Tr Eng 001
- Teacher: Tr Psy 001
- Teacher: Tr Eng 002
- Teacher: Tr Psy 002
- Teacher: Tr Eng 003
- Teacher: Tr Psycho 003